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Birth Doula

"I believe that every birth is sacred."

The first birth I ever attended was the birth of a dear friend. She asked me to come and be there for her.  I didn't have a name for it at the time but I knew when that night was over that I had been changed and would never be the same again, I knew that I had been called. Since that night 35 years ago, I've attended over a hundred births and I've never once not known that I was standing in the presence of a miracle. I believe that every birth is sacred. I believe my work as a doula is to help guide the birthing family through the labyrinth of the prenatal, birth and postpartum time and be with them on their journey to support them in the ways they choose to birth and parent. One of the most important things I learned as I was certifying to be a doula was to be an empty be there in the ways I am needed not in ways I could anticipate I might be needed. And every family, every mama, every birth, every need has been different. What I promise is that I will be with you every step of the way, I will support you, I will see you where you are and I will help protect the memory of your birth. 

A doula isn't there to take away a birth partner's job, but there to help the mama and her partner find new ways to work together to bring their baby into the world. 

Fees and Services


My fees are all on a sliding scale from $600-$1,200.  I also work with couples who don't feel like it's in their budget to a hire a doula by bartering for my services. I've accepted frequent flyer miles, art and fresh fish as payment so don't be shy! I'll do my best to make sure you have a doula if you want one.


What you can expect from me. For 2 weeks before your due date until 2 weeks after your due date you have unlimited telephone access to me. I come and do two prenatal visits and am there from the time you call me until 1-2 hours after your baby is born. I also come twice postpartum to check in, see if you have any questions and to see your beautiful baby! 

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